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Parental Involvement 



Breakfast with grand parents

Twice a year we have a breakfast with Grandparents week (or another family relative) you are invited to book a slot for the family member to visit your child at Pre School. At this event your child will take breakfast orders from their relative and eat breakfast with them. They will show them round the setting and introduce them to their friends and staff. With parents’ permission we also share your child’s learning journey with them


Sports day

Every July our annual sports day takes place.

We believe that children should learn challenges and feel that it is good to be competitive. However, we remember that Pre School children are very young and we don’t want to put too much pressure on them so we try to balance this out. Our sports day consists of stations of games using equipment around the park for children to take part in with their parents and staff. After completing all the stations, the children have some planned races. Winners of the races receive medals. All children taking part in sports day receive a certificate at the presentation which is followed by picnic n the park.


Beach party

Our end of summer party is a beach party at the halls. We always welcome new ideas and parents are welcome to get involved.

The day is full of beach party activities as well as karaoke machines, pools, sand and refreshments. This is a social event to finish off the year, children can invite family members and enjoy socialising with all their friends.


Healthy me challenge

We are committed in supporting our families provide a healthy start for their children.

Twice a year we hold a healthy me challenge

Parents are asked to support their children to provide evidence of them being healthy at home (usually by photographs which we can print for you if you email them to us)

The evidence should show your child

  • Helping prepare a meal

  • Showing good hygiene skills such as hand washing

  • Drinking water or milk with their food

  • Eating a healthy meal

  • Using cutlery

  • Brushing their teeth

  • Taking part in physical exercise

All pictures are lamented and displayed ready for judging by an independent judge (normally local school teacher) or one of our outside agencies.

6 awards are given out under 3’s first, second and third place, and over 3’s first second and third place.

All participants receive a certificate  


Christmas party

Our annual Christmas party takes place the last week of term. Parents are given a list of options to supply for the party.



The last week of term our children going off to big school invite their families to watch them graduate. This is a short ceremony involving the children being awarded their scroll in their graduation gowns. Their scroll is their final copy of their development tracker.

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